Indulge in you timeĀ 

Today, for the first time in five months I have a weekend day all to myself. No boyfriend, no friends, no family and no commitments. Being a slight introvert…this excites me! I am thrilled to have me time all day, do what I want and just indulge. We all need alone time, time to be independent… Here are my tips for you when you have a You Day.

1. Eat. Eat whatever you want. Go buy the ingredients, cook it, bake it, or go to your favorite restaraunt and eat! I’m still working up the courage to go into a sit down establishment alone and eat but I’m getting to the point of being able to. If you can, do it! Next, you want chocolate? Wine? More chocolate? Good, have some.

2. Do something you love doing alone. For me, that’s thrift shopping. Oh how I love wandering the store looking for clothing that stands out, a book I’ve been wanting to read. And chances are, everything will be under $5. Beautiful. Maybe you like walking, exercising, sleeping, praying, taking photos, well this is your time.

3. Watch whatever you want. I’m generally very opposed to screen time but let’s be honest, it’s gonna happen. I plan to watch some Orange is the New Black, or House Hunters shows. Haha bad tv, I know I know.

Although the past five months have been so busy and filled with fun, I do need some me time. As much as I want to jump my boyfriends bones, it will be good for us to be apart for a day. What do you do on You Days? Do you enjoy alone time or is it something you fear? What would you do for one day if you had absolutely no plans and no one to be with? Looking forward to hearing from you!

balance of a relationship & friendships

I have a question for you all: how do you balance a great relationship with your other parts of life?

Four months in and I’m so in love. A little blinded at first but not badly. I’m seeing a great person who I can quite frankly see myself with for many months to come. Now to the difficult part, the part that every relationship struggles with I’m sure.

I love this person. We are good for each other. We cook meals together. Have joined sport teams together. We exercise. We have great sex. We talk. Argue and cry a lot, and figure out how to deal with our problems. I love that I can be 98% myself with this person. That being said of course I want to spend my time with this person, especially when their in all aspects of my life at this point.

I’m in this stage of life where I’ve moved on from my highschool and university lives(thankfully!) but haven’t made a new life with new people in it. My work space is just me and toddlers, let’s be honest. Yes I’ve met some great moms and a few nannies I like but theyre not friends! Let me say that I am defintely an introvert and don’t neccesarily “need” and want to constantly go out with friends. How do I balance friendship with a relationship?

Of course I know it’s unhealthy to spend 90% of my time with the person I love; we are going to drive each other crazy! But does that mean I need to see friends? I am quite happy having me time. Is this wrong?

What if something happens in our relationship; a break up etc? I feel as if I would have no one! My best friend(mommy!) is thousands of miles away, and I only have a few(distant) friends that I could go to. This isn’t good! I’m not complaining of course, as I’m happier than I was when I was single. But I suppose new relationships come with new struggles. I’m sure you people reading this have had similar issues, any advice?